Have Unequal - Erika OutfitTop / Skirt / ThongMaitreya / LegacyAvailable Single10 ColorsCustomize HUDDildo / Cover - On / OffExclusive to Whore Couture - Porn Edition 18+ EventDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair : Analog Dog ...
Moon. Hair - Bunny03 SizesControl HudColors / Roots / Ombres / Duos+Control Hud04 StylesMoon - Boopsy DaisyVia Fulô - Callie SetTop / SkirtMaitreya / Legacy / KupraAvailable Single09 Solid Colors03 PatternsFatpack09 Solid Colors07 PatternsExclusive to Shiny Shabby RoundMIDNA - Island SetBag / Bottle are sold separatelyUnrigged / Resizable by TouchIndividual BagControl Hud04 Metals / 02 Lenses / 05 Flip-flops / 05 Phones / 08...
Amias - BRITT SETDress / JacketMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / PerkyAvailable SingleDress12 ColorsJacket14 ColorsCustomize Hud06 Metal colorsFATPACKDress20 ColorsJacket24 ColorsCustomize Hud06 Metal colorsExclusive to Cosmopolitan Event RoundGnite - Gnite Vodka100% MeshHUD Texture ( Cap / Bottle )Resize TouchAnimatedWhit sound glass iceDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: Legacy ...
SCANDALIZE - ANAISHE SETPants / TopMaitreyas / Petite / Legacy / Perky / KupraAvailableTop20 Solid Colors20 Extra Colors24 PatternsCustomize HUDButton / StripePants20 Solid Colors20 Extra Colors40 Belt ColorsCustomize HUDBeltDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: KuniSneakers : GUTCHI ...
E.BEAUTY - DESIRE Skin and Shape Lelutka EvoXShape Copy / Modify / No TransferAvailable08 Skin TonesBrownlessEyesbrowUniversal NeckblendExclusive to Kinky Event RoundCODEX - NAVAH COLLARSignature / Maitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / KupraAvailable Single pack08 ColorsControl HUD04 HD metal materialsFATPACK08 Metallic collar colors04HD metal materials ~Control HUDExclusive to Kinky Event RoundCACTUS - TATTOO TAKESHITattoo System BOMLegacy App (Male / Female)Intensities 50% -...
FashionNatic - Cassia SetTop / Skirt / HeelMaitreya Lara / Petite / Kupra / LegacyAvailable Singles12 Single ColorsCustomize HUDBelt / Panties / MetalsFatpack20 Pattern20 Extra Belt04 MetalsFatpack Heels ( Customize Hud)50 Colors Solid03 MetalExclusive to UBER Event RoundDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXBag: Tentacio ...
Native Urban - Nora HoodMaitreya Only18 Colors For 11 CustomizableMainSleeves 1/2Hood 1/2/3/4Ropes / Inside / Pockets / BorderStripes And Stickers On / OffNative Urban - Nora SetShort / TopMaitreya Only18 Colors For 04 CustomizableStripes On / OffDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: MaitreyaHair: DOUXNails: Alme ...
Ecru Couture - Marya DressMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / PerkyAvailable Single12 ColorsExclusive to Shiny Shabby Round (August 20th to September 16th)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHairbase : LeronsoPonytail: MoonSneaker: Cult ...
Lei Motiv - Ayla BodysuitAltamura / Ebody / Freya / Hourglass /Physique/ Isis / Kupra / Legacy / Maitreya / TonicAvailable20 ColorsMaterials enabledSecrets - Chantal Bracer Maitreya / Legacy / KupraAvailable06 Metal Options12 Crystal OptionsMaterialsDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DOUX ...
Glitzz - Kayla LingerieCorset / PantiesMaitreya / Petite / Hourglass / Freya / Kupra / Legacy / PerkyAvailable15 colors Silk and SatinCustomize HUD03 MetalsAvailable FATPACKGlitzz - Rose Stockings GIFTMaitreya / Petite / Hourglass / Freya / Kupra / Legacy / PerkyThis stocking comes in 15 different colors Exclusive to UBER Event roundDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXNails: Alme ...
Mutresse - Danaya DressMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Kupra / Freya / IsisAvailable20 Solid Colors (mix / match via HUD)Additional reflection lampCustomize HUD04 Customizable PartsModesty under dress and panties (can be hidden)Modifiable (tintable)Materials enabledEudora3D - Bay HeelsMaitreya / LegacyAvailable03 packs of 12 colors each and FATPACKCustomize HUD12 leather versions for shoe per pack03 sole options04 metal optionsExclusive to UBER roundDetailsHead:...
BAIASTICE Set for UBERTop / Pants / BootiesMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Kupra / Hourglass / FreyaSona TopAvailable in 14 colorsEach color HUD: Hide/Show Bra - Top Solid & SheerJupiter PantsAvailable in 14 colorsYv Long Toe BootiesAvailable in 14 colors03 Sole shades for each color by HUDFat pack 50% off + 8 bonus pattern- all colors by HUDExclusive to UBER roundDetailsHead:...
Tachinni - Scarlett SetTop / PantsMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Kupra / Hourglass / FreyaAvailable SinglesTop24 Solid ColorsCustomize HUDTop EdgesPants24 Solid ColorsCustomize HUDPants V2 LACE02 MetalsAvailable Fatpack and MegapackGnite - Things We CarryKeychain / Phone / CardsLeft and Right side optionUnrigged / Resize Touch / AnimatedDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: Kuni ...
Via Fulô - Becky SetTop / SkirtMaitreya / Legacy / KupraAvailable SingleTop14 solid colors01 PatternSkirt11 Solid Colors01 PatternCustomize HUDOn/Off Panties03 MetalsFatpackTop16 Solid Colors04 PatternSkirt12 Solid Colors04 PatternCustomize HUDOn/Off Panties03 MetalsExclusive to Dubai Summer EventCACTUS - TATTOO - FABIOBOM SystemIndividual / Total ApplicationUp and Lower03 Intensities 50% / 75% / 100%DetailsHead: LeluktaBody: LegacyHair: KuniPink Coffee - MovementDog : Rezz Room ...
Liziaah - Rae Blazer JacketMaitreya / LegacyAvailable06 ColorsExclusive to the DUBAI Summer Event roundSKINNAILSDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: StealthicNecklaces: LagyoEarrings: E-MarieRings: KibitzWatch : Real EvilBag : Vive Nine ...
E.BEAUTY - MALVINA Skin and Shape Lelutka EvoXShape Copy / Modify / No TransferAvailable08 Skin TonesBrownlessEyesbrowUniversal NeckblendExclusive to TRES CHIC Event RoundLERONSO - HAIRBASE v6 for Lelutka EVO XAvailable06 Tons Light BrownA sloppy BUN is also included.Exclusive to Beauty Event Round 21 August to 11 SeptemberAlme - Mesh Nails - Just Because CollectionBellezza / Legacy / Maitreya / Kupra / Signature / SlinkMesh...
BRAND APPAREL - Millie SetTop / Skirt / GlovesLegacy / Maitreya / Freya / KupraAvailable SingleTop13 Solid Colors03 PatternSkirt13 Solid Colors03 PatternFatpack Gloves 13 colors + 03 Pattern + 04 Exclusive Extra PatternFatpack Top / Skirt13 colors + 03 Pattern + 04 Exclusive Extra PatternExclusive to Tres Chic Event roundAlme - Mesh Square Nails - Metallic FrenchBellezza / Legacy / Maitreya / Signature / SlinkMesh Nails Options:...
Melanzana - Tamara SetTop / DressMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / KupraDress:35 textures (25 regulars + 10 bonuses)12 patterns10 transparency levelsCustomizable built-in panties for every color(turn on and off, switch between 30 panties colors)Top:35 textures (25 regulars + 10 bonuses)12 patterns10 transparency levelsExclusive to TRESCHIC Event roundDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DOUX ...
Have Unequal - Elysia OutfitMaitreya / LegacyAvailableShirt10 Colors09 Colors BraCustomize HudStripeMetalsShow / Hide BraExclusive to TLC Event roundShorts09 ColorsCustomize HudWaistMetalsExclusive to Dubai Event RoundFAGA - Kalia Hairstyle03 Head Sizes04 Breast SizesOptional fringeCustomize Hud205 Colors04 stylesEudora3D - Della BootsMaitreya / LegacyBoots are available in a single packCustomize HUD06 Color Options04 Metal OptionsDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: Legacy ...
GUTCHI - Estelar 2008Belleza M 2.0 - F / Legacy M - F / Maitreya / Slink F / Gianni and UnriggedAvailable54 Colors15 Customizable Surfaces4 Fatpack Exclusive CombinationsOptional lace lock also available only at Fatpack.Exclusive to Man Cave Event roundDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: KuniShorts: BUENOT-shirt: AmiasWatch : Real Evil ...
CODEX - NERGAL BASEBALL BATSingle PackNergal baseball bat with03 bento poses (hand, behide neck, shoulder + mirror poses)04 Wood materials04 Hande materialsHUD ControlFatpackNergal baseball bat with03 bento poses (hand, behide neck, shoulder + mirror poses)08 HD Metal materials04 Wood materials04 Hande materialsHUD ControlExclusive to Man Cave Event roundONE 2K - SCAR / TATTOO - BAND AID04 Scar StylesBand Aid ( Black / Blue...
NATIVE URBAN - Biker JacketMaitreya / LegacyAvailable12 Colors LeatherCustomize18 Colors Sweater02 Metal (Silver/Gold)Alme - Mesh Square Nails - Metallic FrenchBellezza / Legacy / Maitreya / Signature / SlinkMesh Nails Options: Ballerina / Rounded / Square / StilettoCustomize HUD05 Polish colors03 LengthsDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXJeans: BUENOEarrings: E-Marie ...
ONE 2K - COLORED SUN GUARD Leluka EVOXAvailable05 colorsBlack / Blue / Pink / Yellow / WhiteExclusive to Dubai Summer Event - Opening Round on August 20thQE - For Dog Days of Summer HuntBeachcomber Flips -End of SummerBelleza / Legacy / Maitreya / SlinkCustomize HUDTop Maui Bikini - End of SummerLegacy / Maitreya / Freya / eBody / Hourglass / TonicCustomize HUDNevaeh Shorts -...
Liziaah - Paget OutfitTop / PantsLegacyAvailable06 colorsExclusive to Sense Event roundDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXCoat : Rowne ...
ADD - Dana OutfitBodysuit / BootsMaitreya / LegacyAvailableBodysuit20 Solid ColorsCustomize HUDHarness / MetalBoots20 Solid ColorsCustomize HUDSole / HeelHarness / MetalDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair : TruthTiger : Jian ...
ONE 2K - SAND BODY AND TATTOOBOM SYTEMUp / Low SandsSand03 intensities50% - 100% - 150%Tattoo03 intensities50% - 70% - 100%Exclusive to the DUBAI SUMMER Event / Opening Round on August 20thLeiMotiv - Daiko OutfitTop / PantiesAltamura / Ebody / Freya / Hourglass /Physique/ Isis / Kupra / Legacy / Maitreya / TonicAvailable20 ColorsLERONSO - Sunglasses "Dugl:oi"Customize HUD08 Frame Colors08 Lens Colors04 Clear...
Eudora3D - Sage HeelsMaitreya / LegacyAvailable03 Packages with 12 Leather Options (each)Customize HUDLeather and MetalsFatpack36 Leather Options + 4 Extra wood options for heel and heel. 03 Exclusive Options04 Metal OptionsExtra versions in 02 Tone LeatherExclusive to FaMESHed roundGlitzz - Kirsten LingerieMaitreya / Petite / Hourglass / Freya / Kupra / Legacy PerkyAvailable15 colorsExclusive to Collabor88 roundDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: Tram ...
EUDORA BEAUTY - RAIKA SKIN - CATWA HDPROShape Copy / Modify / No TransferAvailable06 Skin TonesBrownless / EyesbrowSecrets - Island SetFloss / PasteMaitreya / Legacy / KupraCustomize HUD24 Crystals options05 metal optionsDetailsHead : Catwa HDPRO QueemBody: LegacyShape: OwnSkin : EUDORA BEAUTY - RAIKA SKIN ( MEDIUM )Hair: Stealthic ...
NATIVE URBAN - Chill SetShirt / SkirtMaitreya / LegacyAvailable SinglesShirt10 Solid ColorsSkirt11 Denim JeansBelt Customize HUDExclusive to UBER Event roundAlme - Mesh Ballerina Nails - Holo OmbreMaitreya / Legacy / Slink / Belleza / SignatureCustomize HUD05 Polishes Colors03 LengthsDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXTeddy Buns : Movement ...
Have Unequal - Eleanor OutfitTop Harness / Bottom HarnessMaitreya / LegacyAvailable Single12 ColorsExclusive to the FameshedX Event roundDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: Stealthic ...
LERONSO - CINDY Skin for Lelutka EVO X07 Skin TonesWith or Without EyebrowCompatible Maitreya / Legacy / KupraShape Copy / Modify / No transferLERONSO - HAIRBASE v5 for Lelutka EVO XBun / Front StrandsCustomize HUD PearlOn / OffBlack / WhiteExclusive to the XXX ORIGINAL EVENT round (August 13th to September 3rd)LERONSO - Mesh Stiletto Nails "French"Belleza / eBody / Kupra / Legacy /...
APPLE BLOSSOM - Tya OutfitTop / ShortsMaitreya |Petite| Legacy | Perky | Kupra | KupsAvailable SinglesTop20 Solid Colors05 PatternShorts08 Denim JeansCustomize Metal HUD03 MetalsFatpackTop20 Solid Colors + 10 Extra10 PatternShorts10 Denim JeansCustomize Metal HUD03 MetalsExclusive to COLLABOUR88 roundDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: MoonGlasses: YsoralHells: LybraBag : Pink CharcoalGlass: Random Matter ...
Baistice - Denim Tank DressFreya / Hourglass / Kupra / Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / PetiteAvailable Singles14 ColorsEach Color HUD: Hide/Show Panties & bowsDress Solid and Sheer / CuttedFat Pack 50% OFF all colors by HUD + 8 BonusExclusive to Collabor88 roundCACTUS - Tattoo - MEDUSA System BOM03 Intensities 50% - 75% - 100%DetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: MoonPet: Rezz Room ...
SCANDALIZE - Susyla SetSkirt / TopKupra / Perky / Legacy / Maitreya / PetiteAvailableTOP20 Solid Colors20 Extra Colors33 PatternSKIRT20 Denim Colors20 Straps ColorsExclusive to COLLABOR88 EVENT roundAlme - Mesh Ballerina Nails - Holo OmbreMaitreya / Legacy / Slink / Belleza / SignatureCustomize HUD05 Polishes Colors03 LengthsDetailsHead : Lelutla EvoXBody: LegacyHair: ExileMVT Ice cream Taco ...
Mutresse - Valeria LingerieBikini / Bra / HamessMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Isis / Freya / KupraAvailable20 Solid ColorsCustomize HUD10 Specular colors for crystalsAdditional reflections lamp07 Customizable PartsModesty under Bra (still a little bit see-through, but can be hidden entirely)Modifiable (tintable)Materials enabledExclusive to Collabor88 Event roundDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: Stealthic ...
HER - Havana SetSkirt / SweatshirtMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Kupra / KupsAvailable05 Colors Skirt05 Colors SweatshirtExclusive to Level Event roundDetailsHair: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: TramAccessories : Movement ...
E.BEAUTY - LIV Skin and Shape Lelutka EvoXShape Copy / Modify / No TransferAvailable08 Skin TonesBrownlessEyesbrowUniversal NeckblendExclusive to Shiny Shabby Event RoundAmias - ULYA SetBlouse / ShortsMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / PerkyAvailable12 Top Pattern12 Solid Color ShortsExclusive to Anthem Event RoundAlme - Mesh Square Nails - Love Addams MatteMaitreya / Legacy / Slink / Belleza / SignatureCustomize HUD30 Colors03 LengthsAlme - Mesh Nails...
Glitzz - Yvi SetBra / Panties(thong) / Waspie.Maitreya / Petite / Hourglass / Freya / Kupra / Legacy / PerkyAvailable15 colorsExclusive to Anthem Event RoundCodex - Set SallyCollar / CuffsSingle PackageCollarRLV / No RLVCuffs (With Pose)Control HUDResize03 MetalsFatpackRLV / No RLVCollarRLV / No RLVCuffs (With Pose)Control HUD06 Leather Colors03 MetalsExclusive to FameshedX Event - Open August 11thAlme - Mesh Nails - Dotted HeartBellezza /...