OSMIA - Shelby SetSweatshirt / SweatpantsLegacy / Perky / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn / KupraAvailableSweatshirt20 Colors + 10 Bonus Colors in Fullpack.Sweatpants20 Colors + 10 Bonus Colors in Fullpack.JIAN - Pets Labrador Puppy and Pets Wardrobe / Lab Pup Autumn Bandana✔️Companion04 Triggerable Animations✔️Wanderer04 Triggerable Animations✔️Held02 Triggerable animationsFloating Text Name14 Color ChoicesGET THE FATPACK HUD to get EXCLUSIVE Posed PupsGUTCHI - 8s BSKT...
OFFLINE - Maple DressLegacy / Maitreya / Reborn / Kupra / Hourglass / FreyaAvailable16 Colors + 12 Colors in FatpackExclusive to KINKY Event round (September 28 to October 22)BONDI - Red Wolf SetDrink with CigarRight Hands Bento PoseMix & Match Hud For : Can / Cigar / LighterSmoke On/OffExclusive to THE WAREHOUSE Event round (September 23 to October 18)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: StealthicNecklace: Real...
VELOUR - JEN FANTASY - SKin For Lelutka EvoXSkin / Shape✔️Face (With or without eyebrow)Dark Elf | Devil | Dracula | Dusk | Ghost | Gray Alien | Mint | Obscura | Orange Flame | Papaya | Pink Fairy | Vivid Pink✔️Face ClawsDark Elf | Devil | Dracula | Dusk | Ghost | Gray Alien | Mint | Obscura | Orange Flame |...
FAGA - Pucca Hairstyle03 Head SizesPropack 396 Colors03 Separate Color Packs / Pearls 06 Colors04 StyleMaterial / Fullbright / Glow / TintExclusive to TRES CHIC Event round (September 17th to October 10th)APPLE BLOSSOM - Bruna SetTop / Pants / Panties / HandbagLegacy + Perky + PushUp / Maitreya + Petite / Reborn + JuicyAvailableTop16 Colors + 10 Color PatternsPants ( Fishnet / Dot...
JUST BECAUSE - Diana DressLegacy / Maitreya / Freya / Physique / HourglassAvailable06 Color PatternsPanties 06 Colors - On/Off OptionESSENZ - Savannah HeelsLegacy / Maitreya / RebornAvailable Singles08 Packs 03 Colors EachCustomize - SoleExclusive to UBER Event round (September 25th to October 22nd)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DouxHeadband : ZenithLemonade: Tentacio ...
BAIASTICE - Dalida DressLegacy + Perky / Maitreya + Petite / Reborn / Kupra / HourglassAvailable in 16 colorsEach color HUD: Dress Solid & SheerHide/Show Panties and deco fursFat Pack 50% OFF All colors by HUD +12 BonusExclusive to UBER Event round (September 25th to October 22nd)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DouxAccessories : Vibing ...
TACHINNI - Charlotte SetCorset / PantsLegacy + Perky + PushUp / Maitreya + Petite / Reborn + Juicy / KupraAvailableCorset28 Colors02 versions (V1 Solid / V2 Transparent Dots)Pants22 Colors04 Metals Colors ChainON/OFF Option for the BeltExclusive to ACCESS Event round (September 12 to October 8)DAZZLING - Iris Platform HeelsLegacy / Maitreya / Reborn / Kupra / ErikaAvailable Single10 Solid ColorsFatpack30 Solid ColorsCustomize HUDBase...
CYNFUL - Kellis SetBodysuit / Garter LeggingsLegacy + Perky / Maitreya + Petite / Reborn / KupraAvailable Single25 ColorsBodysuitCustomizeShadow + No Shadow option25 Button Colors02 Different Materials + Off OptionGarter LeggingsCustomize02 Pantyhose Options (transparent + fishnet)25 Metallic Colors02 Different materials + Off OptionMix & Match In FatpackBodysuitShadow + No Shadow Bodysuit option for only the legging option31 Bodysuit Colors31 Button Colors02 Different Materials...
KENNY ROLANDS - Saralee Dress Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / Belleza / HourglassAvailable07 ColorsExclusive to TRES CHIC Event round (September 17th to October 10th)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DouxBag: MovementSunglasses : Meva ...
LEIMOTIV - Evie DressMask and Blend (options included)Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn / Kupra / Erika + Petite WaistAvailable20 Colors ...
PUMEC - Rylle Skin For Lelutka Evo X - GIFT GROUPSkin and Shape10 Skin TonesBody Layers : Legacy / Belleza / Maitreya / SlinkWith and Without EyebrowsFASHIONNATIC - Breeta SetTop / Pants / HeelsLegacy + PushUp / Maitreya + Petite / Reborn + JuicyAvailable SingleTop - 12 Basic ColorsPants Fabric - 12 Basic ColorsJeans Pants - 12 Basic ColorsMEGAPACKTopCustomize : Top / Bow...
MEVA - Blakely SuitLegacy / Maitreya / RebornCustomize HUD09 Colors - Top and Pants10 Colors - Belts07 Colors Metals - Buttons / Buckles / Sphere / StarExclusive to COSMOPOLITAN Event round (September 19 to October 1)DetailsCabela: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: DouxCell: TentancioBouquet : Dust Bunny ...
VINYL - Manchie JerseyLegacy / Perky / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn / KupraAvailable18 ColorsCustomizeShoulder Stripes / Undershirt05 Front Logo : Lower / Upper - On/Off OptionBack Number : Right / Left - On / Off OptionExclusive to KUSTOM9 Event round (September 15th to October 10th)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyShorts : SENIHAHair: DouxRollers : Kokoia ...
ADORSY - Ava SetCardigan - Top / Skirt / ShoesLegacy + PushUp / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn + Juicy / KupraAvailable SingleCardigan / Fabric Skirt / Jeans Skirt12 ColorsMega PackCardigan - TopCustomize : 03 Parts40 Solid Colors + 15 Gradient ColorsTop : 40 Colors - On/Off OptionDenim SkirtCustomizeSkirt: 25 Denim Colors + 20 Color PatternsBelts: 40 Colors - On/Off OptionPanties : 40...
VISION - Alexia CorsetLegacy / Perky / PushUp / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn + Juicy / KupraAvailable in Store25 Colors + 20 PatternsChain is Optional - 05 Metal ColorsDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: Legacy + Nerido PushUpHair: DouxHeadband - Earrings : LagyoBag: Movement ...
PHOENIX - Laisha Hair03 Head Sizes04 Styling OptionsBuilt in HairbaseHighlight Enhancement SystemExclusive to ACCESS Event round (September 12 to October 8)EUDORA 3D - Luna SetLeather Rompers / Clogs / NecklacesLegacy / Perky / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn Leather Rompers03 Packs of 12 Colors each36 In FatpackCustomize 03 Parts04 Metals ColorsClogs03 Packs of 12 Colors each36 In FatpackCustomize 04 Parts08 Wood Options04 Metals ColorsNecklace03...
NATIVE URBAN - Anjuna SweaterSignature / Maitreya / Jake / Freya / Slink MaleAvailable11 ColorsCustomizeRopes - 03 ColorsNATIVE URBAN - Borealis JeansLegacy Male / Signature / Jake16 ColorsCustomizeBelt / Rope / Wallet / Tag / MetalsRolled Up And Regular VersionsWallet saver is included in Fatpack and sold separatelySingles include Belt HUD with 06 ColorsNATIVE URBAN - Life Sneakers UnisexMaitreya / Belleza / SlinkMale...
VELOUR - Annete Skin for EvoXSkin and Shape09 Skin TonesWith or Without Eyebrow NeckfixShape Copy / Modify / No transferExclusive to UBER Event round (August 22 to September 22)VELOUR x VENUS BodySkinLegacy / Maitreya / Reborn / KupraSkintonesDarker - 07 TonesLighter - 09 TonesVELOUR - BIG BOOBS Cleavage ADD-ONLegacy / Maitreya / Reborn / Kupra16 SkintonesDetailsHead : Lelutka EvoX AvalonBody: LegacySkin : VELOUR -...
SENIHA - Fergie SetTop / ShortsLegacy / Perky / PushUp / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn + JuicyAvailable SingleTop - 10 Basic ColorsShorts - 10 Colors DenimMix and Match In FatpackControl HUDTop - 20 Basics + 10 Extra PatternsShorts - 10 Colors DenimExclusive to ACCESS Event round (September 12th to October 8th)CINOE - One Sunny DayWine and Snacks Rack - DecorWine and Snacks...
AKERUKA - (AK) ADVX - MeiLin Bento HeadCompatible withSkins Lelutka Evo XPackage contains :Control Hud / Customize / AnimationsRigged Eyes / Left and Right Eyes / Braces / Teeth / Piercing / FaceLightLERONSO - SEOHYUN Skin for Lelutka EVO X / AKERUKA-AKSkin and Shape04 Skin TonesWith or Without EyebrowShape Copy / Modify / No transferExclusive for round DREAM DAY Event ((September 6st to 25th)BAMBOO...
MEVA - Luna SetTop / NecklaceLegacy / Maitreya / RebornTopCustomizeTop / Braid / Braid Belt / Buckle Stone / Side Buckle StoneBuckle / Side BuckleNecklaces and ChokerCustomizeChoker Metal Band / Plate / StoneNecklace 1Leather / Rings / Chain / Drops / SphereNecklace 2Leather / Plate / Stone / DropsExclusive to FAMESHED Event round (September 1st to 27th)Dernier - Bloom Lipstick (Evo X BoM) Lelutka...
REVOUL - Queen Mixiana Hairbase CollectionLelutka EvoX / Genus / Catwa12 Styles05 Skin Tones (Each pack)Collection HEREExclusive to EQUAL10 Event Round (September 10th to October 5th)SPIRIT - Barry OutfitBodysuit / ShortsLegacy / Perky / Maitreya / Reborn / KupraAvailableBodysuit10 Solid Colors01 Patterns + 01 Bonus In FatpackCustomize Metals - 05 ColorsShorts10 Denin Jeans Colors01 Patterns + 01 Bonus In FatpackCustomizeFold / Metals 05...
MUTRESSE - Alena Dress (DSU*)Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / Petite / RebornAvailable20 Fabric Colors10 Color PatternsOptional Modifiable BOM Bikini (tintable)Modifiable (tintable)Materials enabled*Don't Stress Undress (DSU) is an animated realistic undress/dress Of the clothing accompanied by avatar animationsControlled via HUDExclusive to round COLLABOR88 Event (September 8 to October 6)DetailsHead: lelutkaBody: LegacySkin : VELOURHair: DouxEarrings : E-marie ...
PUMEC - Enrage Skin / Hair - Buhanya LELUTKA EvoX / GACHA01 - 10 Skin for Lelu evo X (Medium Brows)11 - 20 Enrage Hair v 2.2 (With Helmet )21 - Enrage RARE - FATPACK (Hair with 4 Styles)22 Pumec RARE- Fatpack (10 Tones, Medium/Browless opt.)Body Layer IncludedExclusive to THE ARCADE Event round (1st to 30th of september)AMIAS - Talin SetTop / Skirt...
AKERUKA-AK - Matilde Bento Head NEW!!Compatible withSkins Lelutka Evo XPackage contains :Control Hud / Customize / AnimationsRigged Eyes / Left and Right Eyes / Braces / Teeth / Piercing / FaceLightEUDORA BEAUTY - Ariela SkinSkin and ShapeShape Copy / Modify / No TransferAvailable08 Skin TonesBrownless / EyesbrowVELOUR & EUDORA skin optionFAGA - Evelyn Hairstyle02 Head Sizes04 Chest SizeOptional Bangs04 Styles03 Separate Color PacksPropack...
ASTRALIA - Avery HeelsErika / Legacy / Maitreya / Reborn / KupraFatpack L$: 499Customize HUDHeels - 24 ColorsMain / Straps / Top Sole / Bot Sole / Butterfly / HeelGems - 15 ColorsExclusive to ERIKA FAIR (September 5th to 11th)CANDY KITTEN - Spanky SetJacket / Bra / Skirt / PantiesLegacy / Perky / Maitreya / Rebor / KupraAvailable SingleJacket + Bra06 ColorsSkirt +...
KENNY ROLANDS - Kendra SetJacket / Bra / Panties / Hip ChainLegacy / Perky / Maitreya / Kupra / Freya / HourglassAvailable04 ColorsExclusive to KINKY Event round (August 28 to September 22)ESSENZ - NepalLegacy / Maitreya / RebornAvailable Singles08 Packs 03 Colors EachCustomizeSole / MetalsExclusive to KINKY Event round (August 28 to September 22)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: Stealthic ...
Fashion Natic - Kinny Bow HeelsLegacy / Maitreya / Reborn / KupraFatpack L$: 599Customize HUD06 Parts50 Solid Colors + 20 Patterns03 Colors MetalsExclusive for COSMOPOLITAN Event round (September 5th to 17th)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: StealthicBodysuit / Gloves : RowneChoker: Real Evil ...
DAZZLING - Skye Platform Boots - UnisexLegacy F - M / Maitreya / Reborn / Kupra / Erika / KarioAvailable Single10 Solid ColorsFatpack30 Solid Colors + 10 PatternsCustomize HUDBase / Lace / Platform 1 - 2 / MetalsExclusive to ACCESS Event round (September 12 to October 8)CINOE - Blue Close (Unisex Rings)Wearable Accessories04 Styles of RingsLeft and Right OptionsExclusive for ANTHEM Event round...
WEST END Bento Poses - Slow Burn - Couples Pose Mirror Pose IncludedExclusive for UBER Event round (August 25th to September 22nd)LEIMOTIV - Evie DressSATURDAY SALE September 10thMask and Blend (options included)Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn / Kupra / Erika + Petite WaistAvailable20 Colors ...
ASTRALIA - Luci SetCrop Top and Bra*Juicy Boobs (Reborn) / Nerido Push Up (Legacy) / Corset Squeezed (Kupra) / Bubble Boobs (Erika / Maitreya ClassicAvailable14 Basic Colors07 Color PatternsItems can be used separately✽✽ 01 Size L$ 599 - All colors included ✽✽Exclusive to ANTHEM Event Round (September 3rd to 30th)JIAN - Bichon FrizeHeld BichonWorn on Night ArmOverrides arm animationAO toggleable on/offComprehensive Control HUD...
SENIHA - Helga DressLegacy / Perky / Nerido PusUp / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn + JuicyAvailable Single10 Basic ColorsMix and Match In Fatpack20 Basic Colors + 10 Patterns ColorsCustomizeDress / Buttons / RufflesExclusive to FAMESHED Event round (September 1st to 27th)BONDI - Leon Glasses Unisex04 Specular Materials LensesSpecial With On/Off ControlSpecular Frame - On/Off MaterialUnrigged With resizeLens opacity controlCustomize Frames, Metals /...
GLITZZ - Xandra SetBra / PantiesLegacy / Perky / Nerido Pushup / Maitreya / Petite / Smash / Reborn + Juicy / Kupra / Freya / HourglassAvailable15 ColorsCustomize Metals - 03 ColorsExclusive to FAMESHED round (September 1st to 27th)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: Doux ...
JUST BECAUSE - Sassy GownLegacy / Maitreya / Petite / Freya / HourglassAvailable06 ColorsDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair: Rama Salon ...
OSMIA - Piper SetCropped Denim Jacket / Crop Top / LeggingsLegacy / Perky / Nerido PusUp / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn + Juicy / KupraAvailableCropped Denim Jacket16 colors + 08 Bonus Colors in FullpackCustomize14 Metal Colors in each pack.Crop top15 colors + 10 Bonus Colors in Fullpack.Leggings15 Colors + 10 Bonus Colors in Fullpack.DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: LegacyHair ; DouxCap : MementoBag : RebirthCoffee :...
MIDNA - Maeve BodysuitLegacy / Maitreya / Petite / KupraAvailable08 ColorsExclusive to FAMESHEDX Event round (August 10 to September 6)DetailsHead: LelutkaBody: MaitreyaBallet shoes : AzouryMask: ZenithHair: Stealthic ...
ADORSY - Jennifer SetTop / Shorts / ShoesLegacy / Nerido PushUp / Maitreya / Petite / Reborn = Juicy / KupraAvailable SingleTop - 12 Solid ColorsDenim Shorts - 12 ColorsFabric Shorts - 12 ColorsMegapackTop40 Solid Colors + 20 Color PatternsCustomize 02 PartsDenim Shorts25 Jeans Colors + 20 Jeans PatternsCustomize : Belt / PocketsMetals - 04 ColorsShorts Fabric40 Solid ColorsCustomize : Metals 04 CoresShoes...