
Pense como uma rainha. Uma rainha não tem medo de falhar. O fracasso é mais um degrau para a grandeza.

CODEX Visor Mask Sibilla04 Metal Materials05 Lens ColorsLens Opacity OptionsControl HUDExclusive to Kinky EventAlme - Mesh Nails & AddOn - Sparkles & OmbresBelleza / Legacy / Maitreya / Slink / Kupra / Love MommaDiamond mesh add-ons with a 10-color hud and nail applicator*Customize HUD05 Colors03 LengthsEach package is sold separately* Only work on Alme nails.Alme -  Mesh Square Nails - Love Addams MatteMaitreya /...


julho 31, 2021

Conforme você amadurece percebe que o silêncio é a melhor resposta.

Glitzz - Winnie SetCorset / Panties / Choker PearlMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Freya / Hourglass / KupraAvailable in 15 Singles colorsFatpack available.Exclusive to UBER EVENT roundCACTUS TATTOO - SUN - System BOMPromotional price: L$6003 intensities 50% / 75% / 100%Up and Low - Set or SinglesExclusive to the MIIX WEEKEND eventAlme - Mesh Square Nails - Metallic FrenchMaitreya / Legacy...


julho 30, 2021

A segurança em si mesmo se baseia ao foco da própria solidez.

Amias - JORIE Beach DressLegacy / Perky / Maitreya / PetiteAvailable12 ColorsFatpack 20 colorsCustomize HUD PantiesExclusive to Cosmopolitan EventONE 2K - TATTOO RIVA - APP* / BOM systemLegacy ApplyApply OnRight Arm Tattooslegacyintensity 50% / 100%Up / LowAlme - Mesh Ballerina Nails - Holo OmbreMaitreya / Legacy / Belleza / Signature / SlinkCustomize HUD03 Sizes05 Color OptionsLERONSO - Sunglasses Gedbal Control Hud07 Glass Color options07...


julho 29, 2021

O erro nem sempre determina o fracasso, mas a insistência pode levar ao sucesso.

FAGA - Adah HairstyleCustomizeHud StyleHud ColorsExclusive to Blanc EventLeiMotiv - Candy HotpantsAltamura / Ebody / Freya / Hourglass / Isis / Kupra / Legacy / Maitreya / TonicAvailable20 ColorsLeiMotiv - Satya Short SweaterAltamura / Ebody / Freya / Hourglass / Isis / Kupra / Legacy / Maitreya / TonicAvailable20 ColorsAlme - Mesh Square Nails - Metallic FrenchMaitreya / Legacy / Belleza / Signature...


julho 29, 2021

Se você não mudar o que faz hoje, todos os amanhã serão iguais a ontem.

Have Unequal - Eloise OutfitPants / Shirt / Top / CapMaitreya / LegacyAvailablePants 10 ColorsShirt 16 ColorsTop 08 Colors05 metal optionsCustomize HUD Cap10 Color Cap10 Side Colors08 colors Leather ZoneDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: Tram ...


julho 28, 2021

Na vida nem tudo são flores, mas quando for, regue.

Wow Skin - Rayhannah skin & shape GENUSFull Body BOMCompatible Maitreya / Legacy / KupraShape Copy / Modify / No Transfer07 Skin Tones02 Cleavage OptionsChubby Belly Option01 Body Omega ApplierAlme - Mesh Stiletto Nails / Blueberry GlossyMaitreya / Legacy / Belleza / Slink / SignatureCustomize HUD15 colors available.GNITE - Ruby Set / EarringCustomize05 ColorsDetailsHead : Genus BabyFaceBody: LegacyHair : Analog DogShape: OwnSkin : WoW Skin...


julho 28, 2021

Sou calma, mas também sei ser tempestade.

Secrets Celestia Set / GACHABRA / Addon BRA / Floss / Addon Floss / Garter / Piercing / HeadbandMaitreya / LegacyAvailable06 Metal Options24 Crystal OptionExclusive to The Epiphany EventDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoxBody: LegacyHair: Stealthic ...


julho 27, 2021

A felicidade é fruto de suas escolhas.

Baiastice - Maya OutfitBlouse / Pants / ShoesFreya / Hourglass / Kupra / Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / PetiteDenim BlouseAvailable in 16 colors2 version for each color: Plain and PrintDenim PantsAvailable in 16 colors2 version for each color: Plain and PrintDenim ShoesAvailable in 16 colors6 sole shades by HUD for each colorFat Pack 50% OFF all colors by HUD + 8 bonusExclusive...


julho 26, 2021

O tempo desmascara as aparências, revela a mentira e expõe o caráter.

Apple Blossom - Shonda OutfitBody / Skirt / ShirtLegacy / Perky / Maitreya / PetiteAvailable Single20 Solid colors Body20 Solid Color Shirt08 Colors Skirt JeansFatpack30 Solid colors Body30 Solid Color Shirt11 Colors Skirt JeansExclusive to Uber Event Open July 25thDetalhesCabeça : Lelutka EvoXCorpo : LegacyCabelo : DOUXAkita : JIAN ( Epiphany Event )Pink Margarita : Cosmic Dust ( Epiphany Event ) ...


julho 26, 2021

Seja você mesmo, mas nem sempre o mesmo.

LERONSO - HAIRBASE v4 for Lelutka EVO XMesh Buns Included - L / R03 Hairpins Metals (Black / Gold / Silver)Only Black Hair / 03 Shades of BlackExclusive to XXX ORIGINAL EVENT July 13th to August 3rdDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyEarrings: E-MarieBra / Panties / Skirt : Plush Studios ...


julho 25, 2021

Felicidade é ouvir a música que faz a alma dançar.

 ADD - Gina SwimsuitMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Kupra / Kups / Freya / Hourglass Available20 HQ textures10 HQ patternsCustomize HUDExclusive for this round of Summer CampDetails:Head: CatwaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXEyes: Avi-GlamNails: AlmeHat and Ukelele : Amitie ...


julho 23, 2021

Se meus demônios me abandonarem, temo que meus anjos desapareçam também.

CODEX - HORN HIMICAUnisex HornUnrigged MeshControl Hud05 HD Horn Materials05 HD Metal MaterialsCACTUS - LIPS TATTOO PACKUnisexOnly Lelutka EvoX02 intensities 75% / 100%10 Words in the PackBitch | Blessed | JoyStik | Kiss Me | Monster | Psyco | SHHHH | Supreme | XoXo | You WantDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXHair : .ShiNecklace : Fakeicon ...


julho 23, 2021

Nada é tão nosso quanto nossos sonhos.

Tachinni - Miranda Jumpsuit  NEW!Maitreya / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Freya / KupraAvailable26 colors Jumpsuit SingleCustomize HUD26 colors Elastics27 colors MetalsString on/off / Pockets on/offDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoxBody: LegacyHair: StealthicNecklace and Bracelet: LagyoShoe: PhedoraBag : Vive NineEarrings: E-Marie ...


julho 22, 2021

Pés descalços na areia, sol brilhando alto, calor e mar. Nada melhor que um verão na praia!

Have Unequal - Enola OutfitTop / ShortsMaitreya / LegacyTopAvailable in 16 ColorsCustomize HUD BowExclusive to the TLC eventShortsAvailable in 09 colorsCustomize HUD Waist, Metals and PocketsExclusive to Dubai EventONE 2K - SUMMER - Bikini / Tattoo - BOM system06 Layers01 Layers of Male Swim trunks02 Layers Bikini02 Layers Female Tattoo01 Extra Vein layers in the chestExclusive to Dubai EventDetailsHead: CatwaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXEyes :...


julho 21, 2021

Escuta: eu te deixo ser, deixa-me ser então.

 LeiMotiv - Ellen BabydollBabydoll / PantiesCompatible : Altamura / Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / Petite / eBody / Freya / Isis / Hourglass / Tonic Curve, Fine and Minimizer / KupraAvailable in 20 colorsDetailsHead: CatwaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXEyes: Avi-GlamNails: AlmeRings and Necklace : VibingTonic: Chic Chica ...


julho 21, 2021

Quando as pessoas são felizes, não reparam se é Inverno ou Verão.

Beyond - Alisandra DressMaitreya Lara / Petite / Legacy / PerkyAvailable20 Solid Textures20 Textures PatternCustomize HUDExclusive to Tres Chic EventDetailsHead: CatwaBody: LegacyHair: TramEyes: Avi GlamNails: Alme ...


julho 20, 2021

O senso comum fala de tudo e todos, aquele que é ‘incomum’ silencia e observa... Antes de repreender, procura apreender a lição através do outro.

Amias - LISS SetShorts / TankMaitreya / LegacyAvailable10 Color Shorts10 Tank ColorsExclusive the Summer Camp EventGUTCHI - Snake SliderCompativel Slink F / Belleza M 2.0/F / Legacy M/F / Signature M / Maitreya / Unrigged54 colors for 17 Costumizable Faces.Highly Customizable With a Lot of Possible Combinations.Exclusive the Man Cave EventDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: DOUXWatch and Necklace : Real Evil ...


julho 19, 2021

Ocupados em descobrir os defeitos alheios, esquecemo-nos de investigar os próprios.

    Flamingos - OverSexy - JumpsuitKupra / Legacy / Freya / Maitreya10 colors with (Hud to customize the details)FATPACK with 25% DiscountExclusive for Thirsty EventWow Skin - Aiden Skin and Shape - Lelutka EvoFull Body BOMCompatible Maitreya / Legacy / KupraShape Copy / Modify / No transfer07 Skin Tones02 Cleavage OptionsChubby Belly Option01 Body Omega ApplierDetailsHead : Lelutka EvoX (Basic Style)Body: LegacyHair: DOUXNecklace: LagyoRings:...


julho 18, 2021

Se a sua vida for a melhor coisa que já te aconteceu, acredite, você tem mais sorte do que pode imaginar.

Fashion Natic - Elodie SetSkirt / Top / HeelsCompatible With : Maitreya Lara / Petite / Kupra Original / LegacySkirt Colors Available 12 Single Colors(Customize HUD)GermsBeltMetalsSkirt Jeans Available 06 Single(Customize HUD)GermsBeltMetalsTop Available 12 Single Colors(Customize HUD)LacesTiesHeels Megapack (Customize HUD)Available 50 Single Colors30 Colors Gems03 Metal OptionsTop / Skirt Megapack (Customize HUD)50 Colors 20 Extra Textures PatternSkirt Jeans30 Jeans ColorsExclusive to the Cosmopolitan EventDetailHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: StealticBag...


julho 18, 2021

Não confio em quem não gosta de café.

GNITE - IceCoffee and Donuts NEWCustomizable HUD07 Glass Colors / 03 Donuts / 03 Choco Donuts / 03 Choco PlateInteractive: Hand out donuts to friendsAvailable in the StoreLimited Addiction - Loaded DressMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / PerkyCustomizable HUD25 Colors Solid Dress25 Colors AccentDetailsHead : Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: Tram ...


julho 16, 2021

O começo da saudade sempre acontece de algo inesquecível.

SCANDALIZE - NATHALEI SETTop / Jeans / HeelsKupra / Perky / Legacy / Maitreya / Petite AvailableTop20 Solid Color20 Extra Colors40 PatternJeans20 Color DenimHeels20 Solid Colors20 Extra ColorsExclusive to COLLABOR 88 EVENTFAGA - Evelyn HairstyleWith or Without Bangs.CustomizeHud StyleHud ColorsHud ScarfAvailable in the StoreDetailsHead : Lelutka EvoXBody: Legacy ...


julho 15, 2021

Alguns pressentem a chuva; outros contentam-se em molhar-se.

 WRONG - BREATHING ANIMATION MALE POSES - 147Pack with 04 static posesDetailsHead: LelutkaBody: BeautyHair: HardShirt, Pants and Sneakers: RKKNDog : Rezz Room ...


julho 14, 2021

Faça da felicidade a única opção da sua vida.

GUTCHI - Estelar 360 SneakersBelleza M2.0/F // Legacy M/F // Signature M // Maitreya // Slink F // UNRIGGED (resizable)Available*54 colors for 17 customizable surfaces* They also comes with 2 Fatpack exclusives that are Bandana Edition & Ice Cream EditionExclusive to ACCESS EventADD - Faith OutfitHoody / ShortsCompatible : Maitreya / Petite  / Legacy / Perky / Kupra / Freya / HourGlassAvailable / Customize HUDHoody 15 Solid Colors15...


julho 13, 2021

Pecado é privar-se do prazer.

Wow Skin - TYARA SKIN & SHAPE GENUSFull Body BOMCompatible Maitreya / Legacy / KupraShape Copy / Modify / No transfer07 Skin Tones02 Cleavage OptionsChubby Belly Option01 Body Omega ApplierCACTUS TATTOO - GREG System BOMSeparate or full application (Up or Lower)Intensities 50%, 75% or 100%DetailsHead : Genus Baby FaceSkin : WoW Tyara ( Sandy)Shape : OwnBody: LegacyHair : TruthEyes / Ears: PumecBodysuit :...


julho 11, 2021

Não chame de destino as consequências de suas próprias escolhas.

Apple Blossom - RossTop /  Pants / DressMaitreya / Petite / Legacy / PerkyAvailableTop and Pants ( Singles )20 Colors 04 PatternsDress20 Colors ( Singles )Fatpack 30 Colors  +  10 PatternsExclusive to Level EventDetailsHead: CatwaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXNecklace: Lagyo ...


julho 11, 2021

Quem interfere na felicidade dos outros nunca achará a sua.

Glitzz - Romance Lingerie - Happy Weekend ( July 10th to 11th 2021 )Maitreya / Petite / Hourglass / Freya / Kupra / Legacy / Perky15 Different ColorsFatpack and SinglesCODEX - Diablita GarnetSignature Alice / Maitreya Lara / Petite / Legacy / Perky / Kupra / KupsControl HUD05 Cat colors10 Handle colors04 Bow colors03 Whip colors03 Metal materialsSecrets - Nicky PiercingAlice / Freya / Kupra...


julho 10, 2021

Há mares que vem para o bem !

QE - Maui BikiniTop and BottomseBody / Freya / Hourglass / Legacy / Maitreya / Tonic FCustomize Hud10 Patterns 08 Laces ColorSecrets - Nicky PiercingAlice / Freya / Kupra / Legacy / Maitreya24 Crystal Options06 Metal OptionsDetailsHead: CatwaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXEyes: Avi-GlamHat : Amitie ...


julho 09, 2021

Não são as explicações que nos levam para frente; é a nossa vontade de seguir adiante

 LeiMotiv - Kassia Monokini Compatible : Altamura / Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / Petite / eBody / Freya / Isis / Hourglass / Tonic Curve, Fine and Minimizer / KupraAvailable in 20 colorsAvailable on Saturday Sale July 10thONE 2K - Tattoo  Good-Luck  BOM SystemBlack and or ColorsSeparate or full application (Up or Lower)Intensities 50% or 100%DetailsHead: CatwaBody: LegacyHair: DOUXNails : Alme ...


julho 08, 2021

O segredo é se permitir florescer.

Scandalize Elrisa SetTop / Pants / HeelsKupra /Perky / Legacy /Maitreya / PetiteTop20 Solid Colors20 Extra Colors24 Patterns40 Dots ColorsJeans20 Denim Colors40 Laces ColorsHeels20 Solid Colors20 Extra ColorsExclusive to FAMESHED EVENTDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: Tram ...


julho 07, 2021

Confie na vida e siga em frente... O mal só existe quando damos poder a ele.

Wow Skin - Alexa para Lelutka EVOFull Body BOMCompatible Maitreya / Legacy / KupraShape Copy / Modify / No transfer07 Skin Tones02 Cleavage OptionsChubby Belly Option01 Body Omega ApplierFlamingos - Evident Kupra / Legacy / Hourglass / Maitreya10 colors with (Hud to customize the details)VAW AutoHideFATPACK with 25% Discount!Exclusive for MIIx EVENTDetailsHead : Lelutka EvoX (Basic Mode)Body: LegacyShape: OwnSkin : Wow Skin - SandyHair:...


julho 05, 2021

Respeite até mesmo as pessoas que não merecem. Não como reflexo do caráter delas, mas como reflexo do seu.

Limited Addiction - Nikki Set V1.2Top / Pants / Pulled TopCompatible : Maitreya / Petite / Legacy / Kupra07 colors available05 metal optionsFatpack 20 colors availableExclusive to Cosmopolitan EVENTGnite - Things We CarryKeychain / Phone / CardsLeft and right side optionUnrigged / Resize Touch / AnimatedDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: Stealtic ...


julho 03, 2021

Quero morar num descanso de um coração em paz.

LERONSO - ADEOLA skin for Lelutka EVO XFull Body BOMCompatible Maitreya / Legacy / KupraShape Copy / Modify / No transfer06 Skin TonesWith or Without EyebrowExclusive to the 2MUCH EVENTDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: TramHeadband: LagyoBottom and Top : Rowne ...


julho 03, 2021

Cuidado com as voltas que o mundo dá. Hoje você lança as palavras, amanhã sente o efeito delas.

Fashion Natic - Rose SetShorts / Top / HeelsCompatible With : Maitreya Lara / Petite / Kupra Original / LegacyShorts Colors (Customize HUD)Available 12 Single Colors20 Textures Pattern03 Metal OptionsShorts Jeans (Customize HUD)Available 06 Single Colors20 Textures Pattern03 Metal OptionsTop (Customize HUD)Available 12 Single Colors20 Extra Textures PatternLace Textures Colors Heels Megapack (Customize HUD)Available 50 Single Colors20 Extra Textures Pattern03 Metal OptionsExclusive to Cosmopolitan EventDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody:...


julho 02, 2021

Qualquer tristeza pode ser curada com sol e piscina!

Apple Blossom - Peck  ( Top / String )Legacy / Perky / Maitreya / PetiteAvailable 20 HD single colorsFatpack + 10 extra colorsExclusive to The DUBAI ( Summer) EventDetailsHead: Lelutka EvoXBody: LegacyHair: Doux ...


julho 02, 2021

Semelhante a comida é a vida. Nunca saberemos se é boa ou ruim, sem antes experimentar.

Chris Two Designs - Canadian Fried ChickenHUD Functions:Eating Speed /Auto Eating / Share with Friends / Particle FX• Consumable Fried "Chicken" (R):- 3 different & consumable pieces of "Chicken" (Piece, Thigh, Wing).- Each "Chicken" is eaten with a different number of bites.- Grab a fresh "Chicken" piece from the Bucket.- Particle Effects: Hot vaper smoke + "Chicken" respawn• "Chicken" Bucket (L):- 17 "Chicken"...


julho 01, 2021