Semelhante a comida é a vida. Nunca saberemos se é boa ou ruim, sem antes experimentar.

Chris Two Designs - Canadian Fried Chicken

HUD Functions:

Eating Speed /Auto Eating / Share with Friends / Particle FX

• Consumable Fried "Chicken" (R):

- 3 different & consumable pieces of "Chicken" (Piece, Thigh, Wing).

- Each "Chicken" is eaten with a different number of bites.

- Grab a fresh "Chicken" piece from the Bucket.

- Particle Effects: Hot vaper smoke + "Chicken" respawn

• "Chicken" Bucket (L):

- 17 "Chicken" pieces (Piece, Thigh, Wing) to be eaten and shared with 

your friends.

- Your friends can interact with the Bucket & the "Chickens" inside, so they 

can eat with you.

 • "Chicken" Bucket Bumper:

- Depending on the speed that someone BUMPs on you, your avatar

will drop the entire Bucket with the "Chickens" to the floor (rezz rights required).

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