◤POST # 1.403◥
Bodysuit + Necklace / Gloves + Nylons
Legacy + Perky / Maitreya + Petite X / Reborn + Juicy Rolls / Reborn + Waifu / Reborn Waifu + Juicy Rolls / Reborn Juicy / Reborn Juicy + Juicy Rolls
Gloves & Nylons
Maze Option for Legacy / Maitreya / Reborn
PBR & Legacy Option
Mix & Match In Megapack
Bodysuit + Necklace
64 Colors
Customize - Lace / Metals / Shine
Gloves + Nylons
Feet Option : High / Flat
64 colors for gloves, nylons & lace
Jewelry on/off toggle & metal customization
Shine & transparency control for perfect styling
Exclusive for EQUAL10 Event round (February 10th to March 5th)
CYNFUL - Teddybear - GROUP GIFT (Store)
PBR & Legacy Option
Wearable / Rezzable
Hold - Right & Left
64 Colors
Customize - Tie / Shine
ESSENZ - Medina Heels
Legacy / Maitreya / Reborn
Available In Fatpack
18 Colors
Customize : Lace / Bow / Metals / Sole
Exclusive for FAMESHED Event Round (February 1st to 27th)
REZZ ROOM - Tortoise Animesh
Rezzable & Wearable
With or without Valentine's Day Customization
◾ Animations: Play/Static/Toggle
◾ 10 Static Animations
◾ Advance Material On/Off
Settings: Phantom / Name / Sound
Lelutka EvoX / Camila Head
Body : Legacy
Skin : The Skinnery - Amora
Hair : Stealthic - Canvas